Deputy Haney Memorial Dedication
On Friday, September 22, the City of San Juan Capistrano and Orange County Sheriff’s Department honored the life and memory of Deputy Brian Haney, who passed away on February 9, 2023.
On Friday, September 22, the City of San Juan Capistrano and Orange County Sheriff’s Department honored the life and memory of Deputy Brian Haney, who passed away on February 9, 2023.
On Sunday evening, a little more than a week since Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer was killed, a crowd more than 300 strong gathered in Santa Clarita’s Marketplace Park to remember his life and mourn his untimely passing.
Alice Chandler, OCSD Special Deputy and close friend, passed away peacefully on June 10th at age 94 (she would have turned 95 on June 19th). Alice led an amazing life, becoming an Orange County Special Deputy Sheriff in 1949 at Sheriff Musick’s request to patrol the Irvine Ranch where she and her family lived and worked, fending off poachers at Peters Lake on the property. Alice was recently visited by several active and retired deputies and police officers who have embraced her going back to the time when she mailed a letter to Sheriff Sandra Hutchens, describing an incident when she was driven to the local shopping center in a Leisure World courtesy van and witnessed an apparently able-bodied man park his car in a disabled persons-only space. In 2008, Alice at almost age 80, became annoyed and told the driver the error of his ways. The man sassed her back, so Alice called the sheriff’s dispatcher and three patrol cars showed up to give the errant driver a citation. The spicy Chandler remarked to one young deputy that she might have been able to solve the problem herself, because she had a sheriff’s badge, revolver, and ID card. The deputies didn’t understand the context of Alice’s disclosure but smiled, thinking that this was the end of the story.
The Orange County Board of Supervisors met at their regularly scheduled board meeting this morning and, by a unanimous vote, approved the CONTRACT AGREEMENT between AOCDS and the County of Orange.
Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes said Wednesday he is terminating the county’s agreement with U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement to house federal detainees, saying he needs the jail space to accommodate growing numbers of inmates with mental health issues.
An Orange County Superior Court judge has rejected an attempt by the union representing sheriff’s deputies to block the release of disciplinary records under a new state police transparency law. Judge Nathan Scott ruled Thursday that public accountability trumped the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs’ fight to protect the privacy of its members. Scott, however, let stand the seal on personnel documents until March 15 to give the association time to file an appeal.
Orange County’s top law enforcement posts changed hands on Monday, as Todd Spitzer was sworn in as district attorney and Don Barnes ascended to become sheriff.
Tonight on NBC’s “Dateline,” correspondent Keith Morrison reports on the 2010 murder of San Juan Capistrano businessman, Chris Smith. Edward Shin, Smith’s then business partner, was convicted of first-degree murder one week ago today. Shin, who sent emails to Smith’s family and friends pretending to be the 33-year-old after he was already dead, was found guilty of special-circumstances murder for financial gain.
The Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs protects the interests and safety of our members. We are built on a strong foundation of unity, integrity, and leadership.
1600 N. Main Street
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Parking and entrance on N. Sycamore Street
Phone: 714-285-2800
Fax: 714-954-1156
Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We are closed on weekends and observe all county holidays.
FOP – Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #18
CCLEA – California Coalition of Law Enforcement Associations
SCALE – Southern California Alliance of Law Enforcement
OC COPS – Orange County Coalition of Police and Sheriffs
PESO – Public Employee Staff Organization
CPOMF – California Peace Officers’ Memorial Foundation
SCOPO – State Coalition of Probation Organizations
The AOCDS Memorial Fund assists peace officers or the families of officers who are killed or injured in the line of duty, suffering from a serious medical condition, experiencing a catastrophic circumstance, disabled, or retired and in need of assistance. This includes, but is not limited to, sworn deputy sheriffs or peace officers with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, district attorney’s office, probation department and OC Parks. The fund also helps qualifying officers across the state of California and awards annual scholarships to select children of members entering their first year at a college or university, among many other things.
The AOCDS Memorial Fund is a fully recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
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